An Introduction To Root Canal Therapy

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an introduction to root canal therapy

Root canal therapy has a horrible reputation, but one that is outdated and harmful. Too often, many people forego important dental treatment out of fear and misinformation.

Suppose you have a serious tooth infection and have received a recommendation from our dentist to undergo root canal therapy in Edmonton. In that case, you must have the most accurate and up-to-date information about the treatment.

First things first. You’ve heard that a root canal is a painful procedure. That is outdated and, frankly, false information. The truth is that thanks to continuing advances in dental procedures and technology, root canal therapy near you is a painless procedure that doesn’t cause pain but eliminates pain almost immediately.

What is Inside a Tooth?

Underneath your enamel is a hard layer called dentin. Beneath the enamel and dentin is an area of softer tissue called pulp. That pulp contains blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. The pulp area of a tooth lays from just inside the crown’s surface to the tip of the tooth’s root. The pulp is essential to a tooth’s growth and development, but once the tooth has reached maturity, the pulp is no longer required. A mature tooth isn’t fed by the pulp but by the tissues around the tooth.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy in Edmonton is necessary when the pulp inside the tooth’s canal gets inflamed or infected due to severely neglected oral hygiene, deeply penetrating tooth decay, repeated dental work, or a cracked or chipped tooth. An infection that proceeds unchecked can produce severe pain and abscesses that can fill with pus that can leak into your mouth and the interior of your jaw. Unless such a severely infected tooth is effectively treated, the infection can enter your bloodstream and affect your general health. If a patient who needs root canal therapy does not get it promptly, a tooth extraction will be necessary.

During root canal treatment near you, our dentist in Edmonton will remove the infected pulp from inside your tooth before cleaning the interior carefully, then filling the void and sealing the tooth against future infection. Once you’ve fully recovered from the root canal procedure, our dentist will place a customized crown over the treated tooth to provide structural support and restore full dental function.

Because teeth and their roots vary greatly from person to person, no two root canal procedures are identical. Our dentist will give you the best possible estimate of what to expect during your appointment as part of your treatment planning. Generally, a root canal procedure takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour, though more complicated procedures can take up to 90 minutes.

What are the Symptoms of a Tooth Infection Requiring a Root Canal?

There is a cluster of half a dozen symptoms that may indicate you have a serious tooth infection that may justify root canal therapy. While none of these symptoms indicate that you require a root canal, they do indicate serious issues with the health of a tooth that may include a serious and advancing tooth infection. If you have any combination of these symptoms, contact our dentist in Edmonton for advice about how to deal with the condition of your tooth:

● Severe tooth pain when you chew or bite

● The appearance of pimples on your gums near the painful tooth

● Tooth sensitivity in response to hot or cold temperatures that continues even after the hot or cold substance has been removed

● Gums that appear swollen or tender

● Darkening of your gums

● Changes to the colour of the affected tooth

● The appearance that the affected tooth is taller than other teet

● A foul-tasting discharge into your mouth

If you’re experiencing any combination of these symptoms, contact our dentist near you as quickly as possible to get advice about protecting your health — while saving your tooth.