Understanding the Types of Dental Fillings

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understanding the types of dental fillings

Dental fillings are artificial substances that restore the function and shape of a tooth affected by tooth decay and cavities. When you visit Albany Dental for dental fillings treatment near you, the procedure will involve our dentist near you removing the decayed portion of the tooth, disinfecting it, and filling it with the appropriate filling material.

Read more to learn about the types of dental fillings that our team offers:

1. Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are the most popular material used by our dental professional in Edmonton. It consists of a resin matched to the shade of your natural teeth. A bright curing light binds the material to your tooth to fill the cavity.

2. Silver Amalgam Fillings

Perhaps the filling material used the longest, amalgam fillings, made up of a mixture of copper, mercury, tin, and silver. Our dentists often recommend these dental fillings near you because they are cost-effective and highly durable.

3. Ceramic Fillings

Ceramic fillings are aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting; this makes them slightly more expensive than other types of dental fillings. Ceramic fillings closely resemble the colour of a natural tooth, and they are highly resistant to stains and abrasion. At our dental clinic in Edmonton, we refer to ceramic fillings as inlays and onlays.

4. Glass Ionomer Fillings

These fillings are made of a mixture of acrylics and fluor aluminosilicate. These are best for young patients who are in the process of losing their baby teeth. This material is used to fill small cavities and typically only lasts five years before requiring replacement.

5. Gold Fillings

These are non-corrosive and can last for upwards of fifteen years. This is the most expensive type of dental filling made out of a mixture of copper and gold.

How Are Dental Fillings Placed?

When you visit Albany Dental, our dentist will administer a local anesthetic to the affected area before drilling a small hole into your tooth to access the decay. They will then use special tools to carefully remove the decay before disinfecting the area and preparing it for your chosen filling material. Finally, they will layer the filling material into your tooth, polish it, and buff it to fit perfectly with your bite.

When Are Dental Fillings Necessary?

Some several signs and symptoms may indicate you have a cavity that requires a filling, including:

• Sharp or throbbing tooth pain

• Tooth sensitivity when ingesting hot or cold substances

• Pain when chewing or biting

• A darkening tooth

• Rough texture on the tooth surface

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, visiting our team at Albany Dental for an examination is a good idea.

Looking for Dental Fillings Near You?

You may require dental fillings if you have noticed pain or irritation in your mouth around a specific tooth. When you visit our team of dedicated dental professionals at Albany Dental, we will work with you to determine the best filling material for your needs. Whether you choose a composite, gold, silver amalgam, or another type of filling, our team will ensure that you are happy with your results and feel comfortable at every step. Please do not hesitate to contact us to book an appointment today!